Letra & Medicine Creek



call : 580-442-5858


Lake Elmer Thomas Recreation Area (LETRA) is Fort Sill’s premier recreation destination meeting your recreation and lodging needs with close proximity to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Medicine Park, and Fort Sill. LETRA is located at the base of Mt. Scott on a 360 acre, no wake lake with year round camping availability and summer season recreation activities.

Located 12 miles NW of the main post, LETRA can be reached by using Apache Gate on Hwy 49 and all other by Sheridan Road Gate and Key Gate.
Do not GPS the Letra address while outside of Ft Sill: The GPS will take you to a closed gate. You MUST enter Ft Sill before GPSing, or follow the direction listed.

PLEASE NOTE: swimming is not possible on Mondays and Tuesdays. The beach and general store are both closed on these days.​

View a gallery of the LETRA Cabins
A kitchen in a log cabin with a black refrigerator

***Attention***If you carry a weapon (gun) and will be making a Medicine Creek and/or Letra reservation, Ft Sill does not allow weapon entry unless it is for an official hunt. Weapons will need to be stored off post during your stay, and many pawn shops around post offer storage for a nominal fee.***

Cabin Pricing (per unit per day):

A small wooden house with a red roof and a porch.

Cabin Small (Nightly):  $90

A small cabin with a red roof and a lake in the background

Cabin Medium (Nightly):  $100

A small log cabin with a red roof

Cabin Large (Nightly): $110


  • All reservations are prepaid!
  •  linens and pillows will be provided
  • Medium Cabin #01 is available as ADA compliant!
  • All LETRA cabins all have heating and air conditioning.
  • Pets are NOT permitted in the cabins or in the swimming area. Pets are permitted at all other areas at LETRA as long as folks clean up after them and keep them on a leash. (Service animals are more than welcome in the cabins.)
    Must cancel 3 days prior to arrival to receive full refund. If you cancel within the 3 days you will lose one nights stay.
  • Please note that swimming is not possible on Mondays and Tuesdays. The beach and general store are both closed on these days.​
  • There is No TV or Internet service provided
  • LETRA cabins are located on Fort Sill *anyone convicted of a felony in the last 10 years will not be able to access post

Gate Hours

Back to School Hours:


  • Mon-Tues  Closed
  • Wed-Fri    12-6
  • Sat-Sun    10-6


  • Mon-Thur Closed
  • Fri       12-6
  • Sat-Sun   10-6


  • Mon-Thur  Closed
  • Fri                        4-7
  • Sat-Sun             11-7

*Beach WILL be open on Labor  Day, Monday, Sept 2. That is the LAST day the beach will be open.

Gates open 24 hours:

  • Bentley Gate (Sheridan Road)
  • Key Gate

Other Ft. Sill Gate Hours
Click here for info

When the VCC is closed, passes to gain entry to Fort Sill can be obtained at Key West and Bentley Gate (Sheridan).
:Both Open 24/

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